Youth living in Oulu photographed their hometown – exhibition opens in Ainola Park

An exhibition consisting of photographs and stories by youth living in Oulu will open at the greenhouse in Ainola Park and on a photo path from August 23 to September 20, 2024.

Dark door frame with white and light blue tiles. Text in picture: Youth junctions - Oulu in pictures.

An exhibition consisting of photographs and stories by youth living in Oulu will open at the greenhouse in Ainola Park and on a photo path from August 23 to September 20, 2024. The Mobile Futures research project from the University of Oulu and the BestBeloved Museum project from the Museum of North Ostrobothnia organized a photography competition for youth living in Oulu during the summer and fall of 2023. Many impressive photographs were submitted, and the jury has now selected the best ones.

In the competition, youth living in Oulu told stories about the city through their photos. Researcher Iida Kauhanen stated, “the theme of the competition arose from observations in research and museum work, highlighting how young people’s experiences are often overlooked.” The presence of young people in public spaces is often seen as unnecessary and frowned upon more than the presence of others. Through their stories and images, urban spaces and urban nature gain meanings from the perspectives of togetherness, well-being, urban aesthetics, and presence.

The action-oriented Mobile Futures research project and the BestBeloved Museum project wanted to better highlight the views and experiences of young people regarding places significant to them.

Participants could enter with a single photo or a series of photos. Several remarkable photographs were received, which aptly depicted the everyday life of youth in Oulu. When selecting the winners, the jury emphasized the stories told by the photos rather than the technical aspects of photography. Nevertheless, the photos were also skillfully composed.


Photography Competition Winners:

1st Place:

Veeti Taimisto: Very skilfully captured subjects on interesting and compelling topics. The use of light, symmetry, and rhythm in the pictures is creative. The roughness and layering in the pictures beautifully depict continuous change in the city.

Shared 2nd place:

Elisa Bolszak: Interesting pictures taken of personally significant subjects and places, with excellent composition.

Mohammad Al-Masni: Diverse urban photography, using perspective insightfully. A series depicting Oulu from surprising angles.

Sanni Saraniva: Skilfully composed picture accompanied by a touching, personal story. The story of the picture was one of the best in the competition.

Sofia Uusi-Kauppila: A fantastic picture taken from an insightful angle, conveying a calming atmosphere. The picture and its associated story tell about the diverse meanings of urban nature.

Petra Tuominen also participates in the exhibition with her skillful photographs addressing the history of Oulu.


The jury consisted of researchers Joa Hiitola, Seija Jalagin, Iida Kauhanen, and Elina Turjanmaa from the Mobile Futures project at the University of Oulu, project manager Karoliina Autere from the BestBeloved Museum project, and lecturer Aleksi Kauhanen from Oulu University of Applied Sciences’ audiovisual and visual design department.


Youth Junctions: Oulu in Pictures – Photo Exhibition will be on display in the greenhouse of Ainola Park from August 23 to September 20, 2024, Monday to Friday from 7.00– 15.00, and during Oulu Days on Saturday and Sunday, September 7–8, 2024, from 11.00–15.00. The photo path runs from Pikisaari to Ainola Park.


Learn more about the Mobile Futures -research project, funded by the Strategic Research Council (SRC) / Academy of Finland.

Learn more about the BestBeloved Museum project.

Photo path route guide in Atla:

Veeti Taimisto: Dead end, 2023.

Youth Junctions: Oulu in Pictures

An exhibition consisting of photographs and stories by youth living in Oulu will open at the greenhouse in Ainola Park and on a photo path from Pikisaari to Ain

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