Tervetuloa tutustumaan ainutlaatuisiin tarinoihin, jotka maahanmuuttajataustaiset oululaiset ovat tuoneet mukanaan eri puolilta maailmaa Ouluun. Taiteen, henkilökohtaisten tarinoiden ja jaettujen kokemusten avulla ”Rediscovery” avaa myös monimutkaista sopeutumisprosessia.
”Rediscovery” is a heartwarming exhibition that beautifully reflects the diverse tapestry of Oulu’s community, celebrating the vibrant interplay of the cultural heritage of our participants. It’s all about their journey of finding themselves again after moving to a new country, learning a different language, and adjusting to a new way of life.
We welcome you to discover the unique beauty that these individuals have brought with them from all over the world to Oulu. Through the power of art, personal narratives, and shared experiences, ”Rediscovery” unveils the intricate process of adaptation, as it gently reveals the rich tapestry of human diversity that now blossoms within the compassionate embrace of Oulu, leaving a resonating and heartfelt connection in its wake.
Organized by: Art-being Family Club and Pohjois-Pohjanmaan museo
Curators: Arina Lykova (EntreCom Enterprise Community) and Karoliina Autere (ParasRakas museum, Pohjois-Pohjanmaan museo)
Supported by: Oulun kaupunki – City of Oulu, Oulun museo- ja tiedekeskus, Kulttuuritalo Valve.